Sunday, May 9, 2010

What started it all...

I want a vege garden. Indeed, I've wanted one for a while. There's a patch at my daughter's Kindy, and it seems to be a fantastic project to get the kids into. And now that our neighbours are removing the massive Chinese Elm that shades our yard, it looks like I might get one. Much research is going into this. You see, I aim to make an organic vege patch, and that isn't easy. It's not a case of plonking some seeds into the ground and hoping for the best. If you want to go organic, you need to prepare the soil, choose appropriate plants, have optimal conditions so that the plants can ward off the pests themselves - or with the help of some beneficial insects.

So I have been going to seminars conducted at Brisbane City Council Libraries, been reading all I can about chicken keeping (for the fertiliser), and garden growing, and am really enjoying the process. I am impatient at times, but I can see things coming along. The more I learn, the more I think I can do it this time.

Seminars attended so far:

Jerry Coelby Williams - Organic Gardening for Beginners

Annette McFarlane - Small Scale Gardening - Small gardens & container gardening.

Both of the presenters are involved with ABC Gardening Australia in some way. Jerry is a television presenter who writes columns for the magazine, and Annette is a call in radio show host who also contributes to Gardening Australia magazine.

I got a lucky door prize of organic gardening books at the first seminar, and I demonstrated some potting and got to keep the pot fully planted with salad seed at the second seminar. We've got a start! And photos will come soon!


  1. Hi Jade - you should get in touch with my friend Linda ( She is an expert on backyard vegie gardens (and more). Subscribe to her newsletter or do one of her courses, or just email her for advice, she is just the loveliest person. Good luck with your project! Caroline :)

  2. Thanks for that! I'm checking her out now.
