Saturday, September 4, 2010

Seedlings & a mapped out Garden Bed

I have planted my seedlings wednesday night. All those that could be put into punnets I have done so, all that are yet to go are those that are direct sowing only. So far my side shooting broccoli have come up (can you believe it after only 4 days?!) and so has the basil!

I have also gotten stuck in and chipped out the grass on the border of my vege patch. The soil seems rich & a dig through of blood & bone should really help the seedlings thrive.

I am also doing a final order from diggers for the year. Next order will be in winter 2011, and I experiment with new veges then. :0)

Unfortunately a broken camera means no photo updates as yet.  Stay tuned though, as we endeavour to get it fixed or buy a new one, which ever turns out to be most worthwhile.

Happy Gardening!

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