Thursday, December 8, 2011

Summer 2011 Update - My Garden's Growing...

Now - for a peek at what's been happening around the garden - and it's still in full swing. More to follow!
Maxi Banana has two pups... still no flowers, but definately HUGE!

Midi Banana is far taller than maxi but lacks Maxi's girth. Midi also has two pups. Still waiting on bananas though!

Twinning Cabbages.

This Season's Seedlings - as of two days ago, all planted in!

Self Seeded corn -eaten a cob from it already (raw)- delicious!

Odd Shaped Eggplants!!

That's more like it!

Rockmelons down this side.

A new lettuce bowl.

More seedlings, many of which came from Morag Gamble's library lecture.

More seedings.


We ate a LOT of that Silverbeet.... Delicious come and cut again. Now it's bitter - about to bolt.

You can see sugar cane between the bananas, as well as Yakons, which are doing nicely this season after I divided them up and spread them out at harvest last year.

This is pretty, but it spreads like crazy, and it's seedpods remind me of ball sacks. :0o

Here you can see two pups shooting up next to the banana tree.

I thought these were Clivias all year - and they're Agapantha's. Out and looking gorgeous now for Chi's Party.

Left is Mini Banana, and right is a very happy "happy plant".

Many Bromeliads courtesy of Mum.

Cassava - don't know what it is or what to do with it, but I know you eat it. I just shoved a stick in the ground and it grew.

Super cheap Snapdragons bought as tiny seedlings from Big W.  After success this year I have bought some seed in very pretty colours for next year.

My Lavendar. I have 5 of these.

My Oriental lilies with forming blooms.

Dianthus - really worked well this year, so I'm going to get some seed for next.



Violas - Love them!

More violas. I just love the blues. We planted these for Bunny's Party.

Queen Anne's Lace. Needs full sun - I'll know next time!

Bella Donna getting ready to bloom.

Galangal growing strong. I have recently planted Ginger and Tumeric close by.

Even the cactus decided to bloom.

This one's called Prick. The other one is Spike.

Pink Orientals.

Easier to grow than I thought.

My plot a few weeks ago - it now needs fertilising & that's on my to do's for tomorrow. I would have done it sooner but I only use organic fertilisers in my patch... might even wait until Sunday to do it - don't want to stink out our guests for Chi's party.

More orientals, this time StarFighters.


I chose to grow these because they are so similar to the Stargazers I had at my wedding.

I cannot wait until these grow & spread.
I hope you enjoyed your update - I will update you again next week - must take pics of the Agapantha blooms. They look like beautiful purple fireworks. :0) Until then, happy gardening!!!

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