Saturday, October 16, 2010

Helping Weed... AKA Mud Bath!

Miss M helped me weed... and then got bored, and decided to wallow in a muddy spot in the yet to be cultivated part of the vege patch... I figured, what the heck. It's a one time only type thing, because soon it will be built up and well draining, and planted full of fruit & veg.
Then Little Miss C came down and joined in on the act. :0) Cutie patooties!

 The cultivated side... This side is bed #5, and it has been planted out with beans, peas, nasturtiums, a marigold, and broccoli.


  1. OMGosh this looks like so much fun, I wish I had of been there I would have been in it to.

  2. Not me Amber.
    I had enough of mud pies when I was little.
