Friday, October 15, 2010

Kids' Gardening Seminar, with Annette McFarlane

On the 29th of September the girls and I went to a gardening seminar for children. They had a ball. They learned how to pot-on seedlings (Tommytoe Tomato seedlings and marigolds) and plant seeds from scratch (three large bean varieties - easy to handle for little fingers). Annette also introduced the children to worm farming, letting them pick up and play with the worms. Here are some photos from the day - enjoy!
All the supplies - ready and waiting for the kids to arrive!

The worms are spread out for inspection.

Chosen a worm...

 Showing Mama

And Miss C - Oooh it wriggled!

 We potted up some Marigolds...
Anne showed us some Tomato seedlings....

 You just pop them in like this...
And then she gave us six magic beans each - three of each type!

So we planted them in our punnets. :0)

Filthy hands, lots of fun!!!

Lots of soap and a good old scrub 
to get them clean again. All done!


  1. Oh my gosh! Too cute with the girls gardening! Chiara looks so cute in her glasses, and Myella looks like she was having a blast with her dirty hands!

  2. This looks like great fun, how did you find out about this one?. Please let me know about any more that might come up.

  3. Loved the chair that Chiara had to stand on.
    She really enjoyed being a big kid.
