Friday, October 29, 2010

We have Chicks!

Cute little 4-6 week old Belgian d'Uccle chicks. Yep, that's older than we thought they'd be too, but really, that's quite a manageable age. Also, the breeder said he thought they could possibly be all girls... well, it was early to tell for a couple of them, and it seems like at most we will have two boys in the lot.
As for the Japanese bantams, out of 8, only 2 hatched - there was a power outage whilst the breeder was out & unfortunately it did the rest in! Oh no! But it seems we only have two chickens to replace, and there's a 25% chance they're both female, so we'll take it. We'll pick them up on Friday. Wish us luck!

Without further ado- here's the chicks in their first week here with us!

 Colours from left to right : Dark millefleur, lighter millfleur, silver porcellain, silver millefleur, white.
 Colours clockwise from top: Silver porcellain, silver millefleur, white, millefleur (paler), millefleur (darker), blue.  So names, clockwise from the top are: Ellain (but has now grown a comb, and so might really be Porky), Silver, Snowy/Daisy, Millie, Fleur, Bluebelle (but has since grown a comb & begun to crow, so is now Blue-steele or Bluey for short!).
 Bluey - curious! And no comb yet! *lol*
 Elaine has a small comb, silver takes a rest.
 Miss M meets the chicks.
 Elaine is the bravest & also the trouble maker of the group. :0)
 Millie has a snooze.
 Just milling about.
 Silver gets a cuddle.
 Bluey is the calmest.
Luckily she knows how to be gentle!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh they are just soooo cute. You lucky girls. I bet they get lots of love. Miss R thought the pics of the chicks where adorable as well.
